Can you come to my child’s school to work with him/her?
Yes we provide services in homes, schools, vocational and community settings.
Who can benefit from our home-based services?
Services are provided to children with Pervasive Developmental Disorders and Autism Spectrum Disorder. Children with global developmental delays and/or challenging behavioral issues can also be seen through the home-based program. The services benefit children who display tantrums, aggression, non-compliance, speech/communication delays, limited play, and self-care skills.
What does a typical session consist of?
Session content will vary based on the individual child’s treatment goals, current skill level, and family needs. However, all programs will focus on the following content areas: behavior, communication, cognitive/academic, social/emotional and daily living skills. We aim to overlap all areas and address the entire daily schedule as much as possible so that we are continuously working on all goals of the treatment plan.
Are parents involved in the therapy?
YES! YES! YES! We believe that a child’s home-based treatment program is most effective when a child’s entire day is focused on maintaining a therapeutic environment and maximizing each teaching opportunity through incidental teaching. Thus, it is important that the environment, schedule, activities, rules, behavioral expectations, and social interactions remain structured. Parent training is a significant component of the program.
What makes your program unique?
Our home-based model offers an important parent training component that empowers the parent to confidently interact with their children even when trained therapists are not present. Parents are informed and an integral component of the treatment team. Our program also offers team collaboration that ensures continuous contact with school staff and/or other professionals involved in your child’s treatment.
The level of training and education of our home-based educators also makes our program unique. Educators are required to have a minimum of a bachelors degree and experience working with children with developmental disabilities. All educators receive training and supervision by a masters level clinician with training in applied behavioral analysis.
Who will be part of my home-based team?
Generally, home-based teams are comprised of ABA Therapists and Behavior Analysts. ABA Therapists are responsible for implementing direct home-based teaching, behavioral intervention programs, and facilitating parent training. They are supervised by masters level Behavior Analysts who also oversee and modify the program on a weekly, bi-monthly, or monthly basis. Feedback from parents and siblings is always welcomed.
How many treatment hours will my child receive?
The amount of time that trained therapists are present will vary between children’s needs and their families. Hours are determined through collaboration with your child’s school district as well. The program model focuses on training family members to follow-through with the treatment plan for periods when home-based staff are not present.
Will you work in collaboration with my child’s teacher, speech pathologist, occupational therapist, physician, etc?
YES! Home-based programs are developed through the collaboration of the entire treatment team. The treatment team includes parents, teachers, medical professionals, and all other caregivers that are playing a role in your child’s development.
How is progress monitored?
Applied behavior analysis is a scientific discipline concerned with applying techniques based upon the principles of learning to change behavior of social significance. Your child’s behavior will be carefully monitored by frequent data collection, observation, and analysis. Review of data will be continuous and appropriate alterations to treatment will be ongoing.
Granite State ABA Services LLC

Coos, Grafton, & Carroll Counties
PO Box 1304
170 Kearsarge Rd
North Conway, NH 03860
T 603-356-6616
F 603-356-6617
[email protected]
Belknap, Merrimack, & Sullivan Counties
T 603-356-6616
F 603-356-6617